A chin augmentation is a surgical procedure to reshape or enhance a weak chin. Implants are inserted over the lower jaw, creating a stronger and wider chin and slightly lengthening the face. As with any aesthetic surgery procedure, the best candidates will be in good health and have realistic goals for their surgery.
Why Get a Chin Augmentation?

Some people opt for temporary injectable fillers to augment a weak chin. While fillers may be economically appealing and provide immediate results, they are temporary and the costs can add up over time.
Chin implants offer a permanent solution and come in a variety of shapes and sizes to match the results you are seeking. Some patients opt for additional surgical procedures, such as rhinoplasty or facial liposuction, in conjunction with a chin augmentation.
How Is Chin Augmentation Performed?
During a chin augmentation procedure, you are given either general or local anesthesia and light sedation. An incision is made either inside the mouth or beneath the chin, depending on the type of implant you are receiving (silicone, Teflon or a biological insert).
A pocket is created and the implant is placed inside. The incision is then closed. The procedure is generally completed within 45 minutes unless bone needs to be moved, in which case the operation may last up to three hours.
Some bruising and swelling is normal following a chin augmentation and may last for several weeks. Discomfort and soreness will occur but should respond well to pain medication. Other complications are rare but include numbness, damaged teeth, blood clots, infection, pain, scarring, fluid buildup beneath the skin and irregular facial contours.
Contact ENT of Georgia North for more information or to schedule an appointment.