Reasons for Your Cough This Winter
There’s a reason winter is known as cold and flu season. These ailments are common during the colder months, which can lead to uncomfortable symptoms like coughing. While ailments like the common coldtypicallygo away on its own, some conditions may require treatment from an ENT. Here are some common causes for coughing during the winter…
Clear Congestion and Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Meal to the Fullest
Have you ever noticed how food doesn’t taste the same when you have a cold or allergies? That’s because taste and smell are closely connected. When congestion clogs up your sinuses, as is common with sinus infections, it blocks the aromas that typically waft up through your nose and adds complexity to your taste experience….
Creating Allergy-Safe Halloween Costumes: Tips for a Worry-Free Night
Halloween presents the perfect opportunity to express your creativity through fun costumes. For people with allergies, however, the new materials can create challenges. Let’s take a look at a few tips to help you create an exciting costume without triggering allergy symptoms. 1. Avoid Latex Although latex allergies are not common (affecting less than 1%…
Effective Treatment Options to Relieve Sinus Pressure
Sinus pressure is an uncomfortable sensation that many people are all too familiar with. It often manifests as a persistent, dull ache around the eyes, nose, forehead and cheekbones, but it can spread to the scalp, teeth and jaw. Sinus pressure is usually caused by inflammation or irritation of the nasal passage linings, resulting from…
Common Environmental Allergy Triggers And How To Avoid Them
Environmental allergies cause your immune system to react to seemingly harmless substances. Symptoms often include congestion, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, red or watery eyes, fatigue and headache. When you have environmental allergies, it can sometimes be hard to identify the substance triggering your symptoms. Let’s take a look at a few common triggers, where…
Do I Have Allergies or a Cold?
Sniffling, a stuffy and runny nose, frequent sneezing and coughing are common symptoms of both a cold and an allergic reaction. This overlap can make it challenging to determine the root cause of your discomfort. Let’s explore the differences between allergies and the common cold and how you can distinguish between the two. What Are…
How To Manage Environmental Allergies While Gardening
Did you know that spending time in green spaces can have mental health benefits, including stress and anxiety alleviation, improved mood and better attention? Gardening is a great way to engage in a green space in your backyard, but for many people, environmental allergies can hold this fun activity at arm’s length. Let’s look at…
Why Do My Allergy Symptoms Feel Worse at Night?
Allergies are commonly associated with the daytime because you are likely to encounter allergens (pollen, dander, mold etc.) when you’re out and about. However, many people, especially those with nasal allergies, feel their symptoms worsen at night. What Triggers Nighttime Symptoms? Two common reasons your allergy symptoms may worsen at night include: How Can You…
Watch Out for These Common Georgia Allergens
Camping around Lake Clara Meer, riding your bike along the trails or having picnics in the park are all great ways to start your spring and summer off right. However, if you’re part of the 20% of the United States population living with seasonal allergies, you may want to keep an extra eye out for…
Home Remedies for Allergy Relief
More than 100 million people in the U.S. experience allergies each year. Whether you’re allergic to the pollen floating in the spring air, dust mites, pet dander, mold or all four, allergy symptoms can wreak havoc on your life. In addition to seeking treatment from an allergy specialist, a few home remedies can help relieve…