What Are Common Risk Factors for Allergies?
Allergies are the immune system’s response to foreign substances known as allergens. During an allergy attack, the immune system releases antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE), which causes your cells to release histamine. Histamine increases your mucus production and triggers inflammation, resulting in your symptoms. But why does this reaction occur in the first place? There…
Can Certain Teas Help Relieve Allergy Symptoms?
If you experience itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, scratchy throat and headache due to allergies, you’ll do just about anything to find relief. Maybe you’ve even heard that drinking certain teas can help manage symptoms. Many people write this off as an old wives’ tale, but there’s actually truth to it. We review the research…
Is There a Link Between Allergies & Depression?
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of interest that can interfere with your daily life and ability to function. According to the WHO, depression is very common, affecting roughly 5% of adults around the world. It may surprise you to learn that depression has been linked to allergies. We…
How to Prepare Your Child for Allergy Testing
Allergies are quite common in children. If you’ve noticed your child has reactions to certain foods, or has lingering nasal congestion or cold-type symptoms, it’s a good idea to take them to an allergist who can perform testing. Before Their Appointment Before the appointment, try to keep a log of your child’s allergy symptoms. Note…
How to Navigate Your Appointment with an Allergist
If you’re ready to get your allergies under control so you can visit Pike Nursery without experiencing symptoms, the first step is to call an allergist. Allergists are experts who can evaluate the severity of your allergies, determine what you’re allergic to and come up with a treatment plan. Below we review everything you need…
FAQ: Allergy Drops AKA Sublingual Immunotherapy
If you experience itchy eyes, congestion, runny nose and sneezing after visiting The Atlanta Botanical Garden, you may be looking for a long-term solution. Allergy drops, also known as sublingual immunotherapy, might be the answer. If you have questions about this allergy treatment option, we review information you need to know below. What Are Allergy…
Allergy Shots or Drops? What’s the Difference?
If you’ve tried everything to stop your allergies from flaring up when you walk through Wildwood Park, it may be time to ask your allergist about immunotherapy. This type of treatment can help build immunity to allergens over time and is offered in a couple of different forms. Namely allergy shots and allergy drops. How…
How Long Does Sublingual Immunotherapy Take to Work?
Sublingual immunotherapy, more commonly known as allergy drops, is a long-term treatment for allergies. It’s an alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy, or allergy shots, that is growing increasingly popular. Below we review everything you need to know about sublingual immunotherapy, including how long it takes to provide relief. How Does Sublingual Immunotherapy Work? Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT)…
3 Common Allergy Myths
Allergies affect millions of people in the US every year. Despite their prevalence, there are still a few common myths about allergies. Some of which may be impacting your choices when it comes to treating your allergy symptoms. #1. You Can’t Get Allergies as an Adult Unfortunately, this is not true. While the majority of…
Can Immunotherapy Help Reduce Dust Mite Allergies?
Do you feel itchy and sneezy after making a trip up to your attic or when cleaning your house? If so, you may be allergic to dust mites. Recent research has found immunotherapy to be an effective treatment for dust mite allergies. We review the study below. What Is Immunotherapy? Immunotherapy is a long-term solution…